I enrolled but I fell asleep before 😑 will the link be available?

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Thank you for enlightening our understanding in all aspects of worldly energies.

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Because will this be an especially changing year for those who were born a wood snake in 1965? That’s when I was born and I mean it’s only happens every 60 years so you only get it once unless you live to 120. Would love to hear your knowledge on this thank you. I am a snake and I believe it’s a wood snake or so to me. It sounds good. I hope it’s good.

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Hi Alicia and Jessica,

Really looking forward to this and hearing about how Libran Wood Dragons will and can benefit from the year of the Wood Snake. I've just (finally) jumped into putting my writing up on Substack but am still debating what to do about investments, trying to work out if my gut is just cautious or terrified!? LOL

Thanks again for all you hard work!

SandieB x

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I am so excited about reading your I Ching interpretations. I have found the I Ching to be astonishingly accurate and specific in a way I have never found with Tarot. It is kind of mind blowing how you can have a conversation with this living oracle. The advice is very wise. Will be interested to see how you suggest the I Ching and Tarot can work together.

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I am curious, if my chart shows whether I can get a donation from a special development fund for poor people, to be able to get a small house in the woods and move back to my home country? 🤔 I have found out that my illness is possibly fatal, and with my shamanic studies and what my ancestors told me, this could be a "do-or-die"-year for me, quite literally....in any case no more caring for others before caring for myself. It is causing friction in my partnership, but what can I say? "We cannot heal ourselves in the environment that got us sick in the first place". Environment of course not necessarily the place you live in, but everything that surrounds your life, in the inner and outer world...I am stubbornly protecting my interests as good as I can, but hope to be able to preserve my relationship even if it turns into long-distance relationship. I value our friendship but I can't make certain compromises any longer... especially if I might have only few years left...but hopefully 20 or even more! 🙏 But we only live once, so... if I get a chance, I will move back to my home country, with or without him. Does the Zoom say anything about that, or is it "only" about Chinese signs? Is Wood Snake promising year for Metal Dogs, in general? 🙏🐾🪷✨🌞🙂

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Joseph Murphy, an early 20th century Spiritual author, was a big fan of the I Ching as well, and actually wrote a book on it.

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I have the Snake in my year and I'm hoping that I'll be able to get 2 bank loans approved for my apartments in my home country. I know it's ambitious but I do need to have these 2, so far all of my efforts to purchase any properties have been thwarted. Please tell me if I can get this, sometime this year and if I should completely change my career in social media marketing as I'm getting quite sick of it. I also have some factors in Cancer (Diana at 4°, Jupiter at 5°, Chiron 14°) if it matters in this reading.

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I wish I could participate. If I subscribe will you send the recording ?


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Hi - yes we will record it and post it onto the site for our paid subscribers who cannot make it to the live event. Alicia

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Oh wish I could join! I have to care for my dad. I am eager snout this one because I am a wood snake!!

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Hi - yes we will record it and post it onto the site for our paid subscribers who cannot make it to the live event. Alicia

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Thanks!! I hope it’s a good year for wood snake. It must mean something. I think it only happens every so often that you get not only your same sign but element as well.

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