Your Daily Astrology for 27th February 2025 by Astrologer Jessica Adams
Astrologer Jessica Adams looks at what your horoscope holds for Thursday 27th February 2025.
Thursday 27th February 2025
Aries ♈️
March 21 – April 19
Groups are powerful. Who knows what’s out there for you, as a result of your subscription fee, or your willingness to keep turning up to meetings? Only Pluto knows, but you should see the potential contro. within just a few weeks of this cycle starting. It kicked off properly in January.
Taurus ♉️
April 20 – May 20
Groups you are involved with will hit breakthroughs in May when confusion over boundaries stops. The group may also stop. There may be departures or arrivals which reshape this circle of people, giving you much more clarity and some new possibilities. Perhaps May is in your diary.
Gemini ♊️
May 21 – June 20
New faces with foreign connections empower you. Alternatively, the faces will remain the same, but what happens for this group will mean amazing journeys (or life journeys) for you. You could go from Bellingen to Avebury. You may even emigrate, Gemini, by 2026.
Cancer ♋️
June 21 – July 22
You will explore your inner self now, but this will mean keeping some things secret (your therapy? your psychic readings? your diary?) so be prepared to live a double life for the next few months that this cycle affects you. You may have peered into your soul before this cycle, or you may not even have known you had one. It doesn’t matter. It’s the private, secret core of yourself which now offers the most room for exploration, discovery and achievement. Church of England or not? The Tarot?
Leo ♌️
July 23 – August 22
Mars Retrograde is time alone, backwards. Even if this period of your life is anti-social, what you do behind the scenes will now accomplish more for you than a round-world trip, and a degree at Oxford, all at the same time. It’s in reversal. It’s a rehearsal. It’s religion or psychics, therapy or hypnosis.
Virgo ♍️
August 23 – September 22
Give your religion, therapy, Tarot, psychic or self-help as much time and energy as you can, even if it means turning off your mobile, and leaving your e-mails unanswered. It’s what you don’t talk about or show off now, that has the most amazing potential. Sure, it’s stop-start. It’s reversing. It’s rehearsal. But it’s where the (backwards) action is.
Libra ♎️
September 23 – October 22
Karma from 18-19 years ago rolls in your Twelfth House. The Twelfth House is about your relationship with yourself. It’s about looking in the mirror or disappearing into inner space (the inner space of dreams, or tarot readings, or horoscopes) and finding out who’s in there. What are you all about, and who are you, really and truly? It’s a circuit.
Scorpio ♏️
October 23 – November 21
The search for those answers about power in the family or household, may take you the entire twelve months of this new phase Pluto cycle, but you will discover that there is an awful lot more to you, than you ever knew was there. Taking a voyage around your father (say) can be an empowering experience at this time, and one not to be missed. John Mortimer knew a thing or too.
Sagittarius ♐️
November 22 – December 21
You will never see yourself, siblings or cousins the same way again, if you allow yourself the time to take this inner journey. Have you ever analysed your brother? Asked the Tarot the purpose of a sister in your life? Decoded a cousin? Pluto says, empowering points that way.
Capricorn ♑️
December 22 – January 19
You are proceeding with extreme caution (still) with a sibling or cousin now, which is why you may be protecting your world or deliberately building a response. Relaxing and being spontaneous – being yourself – will be difficult while Saturn is in the Third House! Nevertheless, you will also learn a great deal about self-control and self-discipline. It ends in May.
Aquarius ♒️
January 20 – February 18
Whatever questions you have about how you are seen, how you appear, what you look like – and how the world rates you – will encourage you to work hard on shoring up your image. Self-control is control. Willpower is power.
Pisces ♓️
February 19 – March 20
Others will sense a barrier, or a wall, between you and them and it concerns your image, brand, internet self, other name, other face and so on. Those who know you extremely well, will wonder where the real you has disappeared to. She or he returns in May. In your diary?
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