Your Astrology for 1st March 2025 by Astrologer Jessica Adams
Astrologer Jessica Adams looks at what your horoscope holds for Saturday 1st March 2025.
Saturday 1st March 2025
Aries ♈️
March 21 – April 19
Money or property? Learn about who (and what) you value most in terms of being free of people or organisations - and then make timely moves to manage it all. Conditions will be unpredictable. So go to it with the attitude of the French in the revolution or the Americans in 1781.
Taurus ♉️
April 20 – May 20
This Mars Retrograde cycle will teach you how to make the relationship with your brother or sister work, backwards. It will also ask you to come up with more effective ways to use the written and spoken word, in rehearsal. Finally, this cycle will show you how to manage travel and transportation issues – from the flights you take, to the cars you buy – in reversal. Action is backwards.
Gemini ♊️
May 21 – June 20
Mars Retrograde in Leo lingers longer. Let’s start with your brother or sister – maybe a cousin. This is full tilt reversal and rehearsal for months In other words, because you are the person you are (at this time and place in your life) and because they are the person they are, some cycles are just unavoidable. Create a strategy for long-term coping and maintenance. Expect stop-start and even vanishing.
Cancer ♋️
June 21 – July 22
Karma calls from 18-19 years ago with a sibling or cousin. What unfolds may be a particular attitude you adopt with your sibling, or a particular set of rules (spoken or unspoken) about the way it’s going to be. You should be looking for the effectiveness of your new life system, in warding off déjà vu. Change on the inside if you can.
Leo ♌️
July 23 – August 22
Saturn in Pisces is about developing a system to deal with money or property. This system will be tested, throughout this cycle until May. So get real. Is your cunning plan, or your careful new attitude, doing what it should for you? Or have you come up with something not useful? Leo, you need a workable plan.
Virgo ♍️
August 23 – September 22
Your duet or duel? You cannot change the conditions you are saddled with now, but you can completely control your response to them. So work, and sweat, and wait, and calculate, and strategise. It ends in May.
Libra ♎️
September 23 – October 22
This empowering Pluto cycle is about foreigners, but also impacts travel, and the global transport that you use – cars, buses, trains, boats, bicycles, motorbikes. As a basic starting point for this cycle, always read the fine print on travel conditions in terms of your control versus theirs, and on contracts involving foreign faces and places.
Scorpio ♏️
October 23 – November 21
You will now need to face up to issues and conditions, around foreigners, foreign travel or transportation, you cannot avoid – reversals and rehearsals are typical on Mars Retrograde in Cancer. Scorpio, you need to get real and you need to be practical. This cycle is about making a to-do list and then having two or three versions of it.
Sagittarius ♐️
November 22 – December 21
Here comes Saturn making waves again, in your home zone. Let’s look at your lease, mortgage or property investment first. You need to become a DIY expert on all this stuff now, so you can be constantly and thoroughly updated about everything - from your legal situation with landlords, to the realities of hiring builders. You can never learn too much, in this cycle. It ends in May.
Capricorn ♑️
December 22 – January 19
I don’t know if you own a string of properties in Sydney, or you’re sharing a cheap flat with your friends in London, but the property story is the same from May. A holiday from reality is coming. If you become an expert on all the issues now in front of you, so much the better. Late 2025 calls.
Aquarius ♒️
January 20 – February 18
Freedom at home is the key. So, the way you are now building and structuring your home life, has to be about space, if it’s the right way. How will you know if your strategy is sound? Firstly, it will have worked before, in quite another context, since 2018.
Pisces ♓️
February 19 – March 20
You can build a home life now that has space for solutions or growth, ongoing. Here are some real-life examples from my files, of people who had this cycle before you. Pisces, you could see mortgage interest rate benefits, affordable building schedules, terrific new flatmates, home name it.