The Astrology & Tarot Show Podcast with Jessica Adams for the Week Commencing 3rd March 2025
It's time to enjoy your Weekly Horoscope by Astrologer Jessica Adams for 3rd March 2025.
The Astrology & Tarot Show Podcast with Jessica Adams for the week commencing Monday 3rd March 2025 is now live.
Below is a summary of what your sign will experience but be sure to listen to the podcast above to hear your weekly horoscope in full. In the podcast you'll also get a card for the week, so you can be totally prepared for whatever this week has in store for you & your loved ones.
Aries ♈️ - 0.39
March 21 – April 19
Where you come from will now help you get to where you need to be from June 2025 to June 2026. Current delays or u-turns until April are a set-up. Your family can also expand at this time, thanks to new babies, or the arrival of an entire network of in-laws (along with a new partner.) It’s always good news.
Taurus ♉️ - 5:04
April 20 – May 20
This cycle will bring karmic closure possibilities linked to children, sex and courtship. The bedroom or teenagers. A younger generation. That last category covers your talents, abilities and special interests – if they are linked to children or young adults. Theatre or football, say. The karma was in motion 18-19 years ago. 2025 is slow closure.
Gemini ♊️ 7:31
May 21 – June 20
Tremendous new options for money will appear in this June 2025-June 2026 cycle. Don’t miss a trick. That ‘random’ website which turns up – but also happens to talk about a new way to save money – will be anything but random. The private invesetment fund advertisement you keep hearing on your car radio could be the financial solution you have been looking for...this is is 3-4 months away. Until then you are reversing and rehearsing.
Cancer ♋️ 10:03
June 21 – July 22
After May 2025, you will get a new job in this fresh Aries cycle, retire, resign, or find your current position is reshaped in an amazing way. If you have full-time home duties you may enter the workforce, or just find that there is a new spin on your life at home which massively expands your horizons. Saturn and Neptune are going into Aries which rules your success, rank, status and position.
Leo ♌️ 12:38
July 23 – August 22
Pluto power works in a pair or partnership now. If (for whatever reason) dating and relationships are not possible, you will team up with a person who will be your guide in other ways. This man or woman will open the doors, hand you the shared controls, through work or business co-operation and take a two-way street.
Virgo ♍️ 15:19
August 23 – September 22
May and June could already be in your diary regarding a house, apartment, shares, business, pension, charity, accountant and so on. The money, property, possessions or assets which belong to people in your immediate circle – or big organisations or government departments – is now your key to the future. What is given, paid back, lent or shared from May will give you enormous scope, and offer you a new holiday from reality that was never there before.
Libra ♎️ 17:47
September 23 – October 22
If you’re prepared to learn rapidly, try everything (within reason), and exploit each deal, arrangement or offer as it emerges – to find independence, you should take giant leaps into your own financial freedom now. The cycle ends in July. What seemed beyond your imagination, or even outside the realm of possibility, in terms of liberty, space, autonomy and freedom - can now become a reality.
Scorpio ♏️ 20:15
October 23 – November 21
Sex – and particularly those aspects of it which you find have zero boundaries – will trigger enormous growth, understanding, learning and development once this Neptune cycle ends in May and you can see clearly. This can happen in any number of ways. Single or attached, you have a lot of new ground to cover, from May, and life will see far more manageable, clear and controlled with courtship or in the bedroom.
Sagittarius ♐️ 22:38
November 22 – December 21
In May 2025, two cycles end in your home zone, together.An opportunity to travel or move will appear after that. In fact any delays or stop-start with travel by April, is over by May. Also in May, the actual house, apartment or other residence that concerns you will no longer involve a waiting game. You will have to weigh up the cost, in terms of time and money, but once the door is open, you need to go through it in May and be preparing for it this week
Capricorn ♑️ 24:30
December 22 – January 19
Jupiter in Gemini now is followed by Uranus in Gemini in July. There is a big June, July shift showing with your lifestyle, profession and career. If you don't have a job; if you are a full-time parent, or if work is secondary to your other mission in life, then this general message of hope and expansion, freedom and independence - will apply to your overall potential for success, rather than any fixed professional circumstances.
Aquarius ♒️ 27:07
January 20 – February 18
From June, when all these current reversals with work or rehearsals with study are over, Jupiter will expand your view of yourself and your chances in life by introducing you to places and people which are bigger than you in some way. Consider them as tour guides in the bigger, wider world you are now being asked to discover even though unpaid work, paid work or study is currently so stop-start. The rehearsals and reversals end in weeks so look up.
Pisces ♓️ 29.31
February 19 – March 20
Saturn in Pisces is about how you appear. How you sell yourself on social media, how you look in the mirror or the camera or how you front up to the world. Others will sense a barrier, or a wall, between you and them. Those who know you extremely well, will wonder where the real you has disappeared to. And those who've never met you? They'll sense that someone's behind the mask, somewhere, but it may be impossible for them to get to know you properly, until this cycle is over.
Your Tarot card this week can be decoded at Enjoy!