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Effective Strategies To Help Sensitive People in Everyday Life

Psychic & author of newly released book, Activate Your Psychic Ability, Paul Fenton-Smith shares techniques which allow sensitive people to thrive. We also have six copies of his e-book to give away.

I’m Paul Fenton-Smith and today I’d like to explore and share effective strategies for intuitively sensitive people to use in their day to day life. So, why do sensitive people need help? Because being intuitively sensitive can have its down sides.

For example you can be uncentred by people and circumstances, especially in shopping centres, large crowds or at social venues.

What I’ll present are a range of viable strategies for self-protection that I’ve tried over the past 45 years.

Understanding Why You Are Sensitive

Firstly, it’s essential to examine how people become sensitive to the emotions of others.

Natural psychics, who have not undergone any formal training yet who are constantly aware of the unspoken emotions of people around them, can become drained or uncentred if they spend time with people who are stressed. This is because they are energetically wide open.

New babies and toddlers are often energetically open to everyone in their surroundings, but this awareness usually fades from age three, as the child begins to develop better personal boundaries.

However, if the individual experiences serious personal trauma, particularly ongoing trauma, at any point in life, these energetic boundaries can become damaged.

Personal Boundaries

In simple terms, being aware of personal boundaries is about knowing where I end and you begin. In a crowd, it’s an awareness of where I end and others begin.

This sounds simple but in an average crowd, there are always a few people whose energy fields extend well beyond the normal range.

This can mean that others sitting within 10 metres are still in that person’s energy field. This can feel suffocating for intuitively sensitive people.

Naturally intuitive people be become sponges for the negative emotions of others, leaving them drained or weighed down by what they have collected.

This is particularly so for intuitive people who work with or regularly spend time with people who are depressed, anxious or someone who harbours unresolved anger.

Cleansing Techniques

There are a range of simple ways to cleanse yourself of the energy of others, including

  • Taking a walk in nature. This allows for a re-set, weather permitting.

  • Swimming in the ocean or in a salt-water pool. Salt water washes away

    emotional energy.

  • Taking a bath containing 2-3 cups of natural sea salt. This is to replicate the

    ocean in a more comfortable and portable manner.

  • Meditation can help too, particularly if you flush yourself with spiritual light. It

    can leave you in a state of grace.

  • An hour of yoga or exercise can provide relief also.

Protecting Yourself From Negative Energy

It’s great to be able to cleanse yourself but this doesn’t prevent you from collecting more dross or negative energy tomorrow.

To prevent yourself being burdened by the energy of others its essential to notice what you’re absorbing in the moment. Then it’s possible to re-centre and strengthen personal boundaries.

Being aware in the moment involves noticing what we do when uncentred or energetically drained. When unexpectedly drained we often:

  • Reach for chocolate or sugary foods.

  • Become fuzzy-headed, unable to concentrate or lose focus on tasks.

  • Feel suddenly tired.

  • Lose our sense of emotional wellbeing or buoyancy.

If this happens daily, sensitive people can eventually lose their sense of purpose in life. They wake up each day with clear awareness of what they want to do and gradually become layered in the emotions of others.

For most of us, it’s not possible to live like a hermit, atop a hill in blissful silence. We have obligations, to family, to our communities and we need to make a living. This usually requires that we mix with other people, including family members, work colleagues and perhaps other hungry customers in local cafés.

To socialise with others without being drained, it’s essential to monitor your energy levels and personal boundaries constantly. Then you can be aware the moment you’re being unconsciously burdened by others.

When this happens, its possible to draw your energy field in lose to your physical body. This makes you less visible to others, especially those people who need energy for the day. This is done by sensing how far out from your physical body your energy bodies extend, and mentally drawing them in to your core.


In psychic development courses, I demonstrate this by having a volunteer stand at one end of the room while I stand at the other.

I explain that while we maintain eye contact; I’ll walk slowly towards that person. He or she is instructed to tell me aloud, the moment they feel uncomfortable with my proximity. At that point I’ll stop immediately.

They are effectively setting a boundary.

There’s no right or wrong place to stop me and I repeat the process five times with the person.

I return to the other end of the room and then ask the individual to close their eyes and tell me when they sense me being too close to them.

I begin to walk slowly towards that person, who usually stops me at the same point they did with open eyes. This technique demonstrates how we know when people are uncomfortably close to us, even when we cannot see them.

It’s not always appropriate to pull your energy field in close to your body. Sometimes, it’s necessary to removed yourself from the environment to preserve personal energy reserves.

Noticing who and what uncenters you and ensuring you return to being centred as quickly as possible is vital for sensitive people.

For a long-term remedy, it’s essential to resolve the causes for your naturally expansive energy field.

This can involve processing past trauma and learning to contract and expand your energy field using your mind.

It also involves noticing personal boundaries and setting them more assertively when required.

© 2024 Copyright Paul Fenton-Smith

We Have Six Copies of Paul Fenton-Smith’s Latest Book ‘Activate Your Psychic Ability’ To Give Away

We’re excited to offer six free downloads of Paul Fenton-Smith’s recently released e-book, Activate Your Psychic Ability, available on Apple Books. This book is packed with tools to enhance your intuition and elevate your psychic skills.

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore your future possibilities. Activate Your Psychic Ability is rich with real-life examples drawn from Paul’s 40+ years of experience in teaching and practicing psychic development.

To win simply be the first six paid subscribers to post a comment below with the title of Paul Fenton-Smith’s new book or send it to us via Substack chat. If you are one of the first six to contact us with the title of his book, we will then email you a code which will allow you to download a copy of the book free from Apple Books.

Terms & Conditions
The first six people to post in the comments below or via Substack chat with the name of Paul Fenton-Smiths’ new book will win an e-book version valued at AUD$9.99. There are six separate codes, each which will allow the winners to download the book. These will be sent to each of the six winners via Substack chat.

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